price steps meaning in English
- Based on these points , some countermeasures are offered , that is , to correctly handle the regulation between steadablizing commodity prices and keeping a fairly rapid rate in developing economy , to make more efforts in adjusting the economic structure of our country , to devote major efforts to develope agriculture , to accelerate the construction of prices law system , to standardize the order of price , to further improve the mechanism of prices forming , to build and amplify the supervisory and regulation system of prices step by step
即:正确处理稳定物价与保持较高的经济发展速度之间的关系,加大调整我国经济结构的力度,继续大力发展农业生产,加快价格法律体系建设,规范价格秩序,进一步完善价格形成机制,逐步建立健全物价的监管、调控体系。 - Lastly , this article expands the above model according to practice situation , which makes it has broader application areas , and gives the solutions and numerical optimal rule of the expanded model . through above research , this thesis has obtained three main achievement : 1 ) it incorporated the analysis framework of real options supported by copeland and antikarov into the model pricing step of the one supported by amram 和 kulatilaka
本文研究的重要成果有: ( 1 )将侧重于具体的解决方法和步骤的copeland和antikarov框架融入到侧重于实物期权的构造和识别过程的amram和kulatilaka框架中的完成期权定价模型这个步骤中去,使实物期权分析的一般框架变得更为实用。